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Brittany Martinez





A Whiteboard Love Story                         Lead                              Dir. Kyle Jacobson

Father Dearest                                           Lead                              Dir. John Henry Keenan

Tunnel Vision                                           Lead                            Dir. Emily Acosta                                 

The Urn                                                    Supporting                     Dir. Ryan Printz



Scapino!                                                   Zerbinetta                  Margaret Johnson Theatre

The Glass Menagerie                                Laura                         Margaret Johnson Theatre

Lend Me a Tenor                                      Maggie                      Margaret Johnson Theatre

The Promise                                              Lilia                           OhLook Performing Arts



Available upon request


Music Videos

Waiting Between Worlds                           Lead                           Zack Hemsey

One in a Million                                         Lead                           Nik Day

Y La Vida Vuele                                       Lead                            Jorge Narvaez



Scene study                                         John Kirby                        The John Kirby Studio

Comedy Intensive, Technique            Lesly Kahn & Co             Lesly Kahn & Company

Master Class                                       Cathryn Sullivan                Acting for Film

Commercials                                       Killian McHugh                Killian’s Workshop

Improvisation                                      Johnny Meeks                   Upright Citizen’s Brigade


Special Skills

Tae Kwon Do (blackbelt), running, cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, weight lifting, zumba, kickboxing, rock climbing, valid passport

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